Fuck you is how I'm feeling today.
Also a little bit of shut up and get out of my face.
I thought shopping would help but I was in such a state already that I nearly elbowed a dude in the stomach area.
Just yesterday, I reminded myself that I've got nothing to be unhappy about.
But my mood does not agree.
P.S. Hi again.
Shouting into the void
2 days ago
thePsychiatristIsIn, dear:
to get OUTTA your doldrums
(in this context 'depression')
and reach for Seventh-Heaven,
you must...
1. believe in Almighty God;
2. love everyone else non-sexually
unless you're married till death.
Dont believe me?
1-outta-1 bites-the-dust.
If ya wanna wiseabove this
whorizontal tragedy at
croakin time to avoid Hellfire,
ya better follow us:
trustNjesus, earthling.
God bless your indelible soul.
Yes, Im an NDE.
Not only is it not possible
no Seventh-Heaven exists,
it's also 'Deo volente'
(Latin: God willing)
the Abyss o'Misery exists.
Again, only 2 eternal realms
after our lifelong demise...
and 1 of em aint too cool.
Make Your Choice -SAW
I'd looooove to see you Upstairs before
someday where we can gitta Big-Ol beer N we'll tok bout celebrating our eternal resurrection at the RongWayPub
(dunno how to make the R backwards).
I'll pray for you everyday now.
Aint that what Christians do
for each other who wanna wiseabove?
Dont worry about being 17ish, dear.
You'll definitely grow-up.
Literally N figuratively.
I. Love. You, lil one,
in Jesus Name.
God bless you!!
I'd looooove to see you Upstairs before
someday where we can gitta Big-Ol beer N we'll tok bout celebrating our eternal resurrection at the RongWayPub
(dunno how to make the R backwards).
I'll pray for you everyday now.
Aint that what Christians do
for each other who wanna wiseabove?
Dont worry about being 17ish, dear.
You'll definitely grow-up.
Literally N figuratively.
I. Love. You, lil one,
in Jesus Name.
God bless you!!
thePsychiatristIsIn, dear:
to get OUTTA your doldrums
(in this context 'depression')
and reach for Seventh-Heaven,
you must...
1. believe in Almighty God;
2. love everyone else non-sexually
unless you're married till death.
Dont believe me?
1-outta-1 bites-the-dust.
If ya wanna wiseabove this
whorizontal tragedy at
croakin time to avoid Hellfire,
ya better follow us:
trustNjesus, earthling.
God bless your indelible soul.
Yes, Im an NDE.
Not only is it not possible
no Seventh-Heaven exists,
it's also 'Deo volente'
(Latin: God willing)
the Abyss o'Misery exists.
Again, only 2 eternal realms
after our lifelong demise...
and 1 of em aint too cool.
Make Your Choice -SAW
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