I'm finally at a point where I can't wait to be home.
I've had a spectacular vacation and made some great new friends. Saw penguins on the beach, pet a cheetah, drank far too much wine. Rolled in the grass laughing, stayed at a backpacker, was blinded by strobes on a dance floor. Attended a FIFA world cup final, played with kitties and a dog. Met an interesting character or two or three.
All I want now is... rest. Cuddling with my puppy, laying in the bathtub, swinging in the hammock on my roof, and a good long cry. I'm a cryer- it makes me feel better.
40 hours or so from now, I'll have exactly what I want.
Shouting into the void
2 days ago
Played with Danger last night, he misses you.
Haven't been home yet but will this afternoon.. I'll make sure of the following: hammock will be setup, coffee and creamer stocked, puppy properly excited, and if I get pissed off you'll have a clean tub.
best roomie ever.
Bob, I'll also require a hug.
That goes without saying love.
Welcome back kotter ... We accept what the universe sends us ... Beautiful roomies, cuddly pups, cold beers and glowinthedark hula hoops!
I hope you have a safe trip back home!
Took a bath last night and have the following 2 gifts for you Tabs:
1) While lying there I got angry at how dirty it felt, so I used that pissyness to grab some ajax and sturdy sponges and go to town on it. Much cleaner now.
2) afterward, as always, I needed a shower. While bathing I knocked over the tub-scrubbing-pad. So enjoy the mental visual of me using my right foot to finish scrubbing the tub, while my floppy appendages ..flopped around.
I thought it was pretty funny to watch and I wasn't even drunk.
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