My host and favorite new friend, Marcia. She did not actually roll in the grass. Just rested like a proper lady.
Dear Patrick, It's winter. The water is freezing. Love, Tabbie.
Dear Tabbie, I don't care. The ocean calls me. Sincerely, Patrick.
Apparently, penguins bite. I did not verify this with a science-based approach, but I believed the warning signs.
I didn't notice how gorgeous this was until I saw it on the computer screen. Funny how that happens, huh? This is the beach in Simonstown, where the penguins are.
Some rules were not made to be broken.
Petting cheetahs is A-ok!
I stopped rolling around on the grass, laughing til I snorted, to snap this. Trees! Sky!
Lunch at a vineyard?- Yes, please. More wine, please.
Le Meems sent me on a mission to get a bottle of Cap Classique. And get it, I did.
Local wine from the cafeteria atop Table Mountain
The tippy top of a mountain and the sea from the tippy top of Table Mountain
Shouting into the void
2 days ago
Very cool! But I must say, I didn't see any penguins swarming over penguin beach. Are you sure you weren't duped? Nice cheetah.
Very cool photos. Seems like it must have been quite the trip.
So friggin jealous. I've never touched a cheetah before. I've now resolved to do so before the year is out.
And Marcia shamelessly stole the awesome silhouette you took of her for her own blog.
I am so GLAD you had such a rad adventure.
Thank you sid and marcia ....
Keep spreading your love and kindness
You pet a HUGE kitty. Jealous.
How long were you there for? Not the same part you had been to before, right?
I am so sad to hear penguins bite. They look like they would be fun to play with... like a puppy or something.
Wow. The view from Table Mountain. is. breathtaking.
And I secretly don't like you now that you pet cheetahs, and I wish I could have too. But you made me laugh about the penguin biting, so I secretly like you again.
Glad you had fun. :)
Very nice pictures. Wow.
NWO, I did get some pics of penguins on the beach, but didn't like them as much as the ones I posted.
TC, That it was.
Sid, It's less than an hour from you and only 90 rand. NOTHING is stopping you. Go go go!
Marcia, It's my fave! Print it out and frame it, girlfriend.
LeMeems, I am too. Your uplifting encouragement kept me going. I would have cried in a corner by myself in some seedy hotel if you didn't send it in.
Scotty, it was 10 days and when I went to Africa before, I only spent 2 days in Johannesburg. It was Christmas, so everything was closed. I had to go back to see what I missed.
Del-V, I did kinda want to hug them.
Kimkizzy, Everything balances out.
Tee, I love these! I got a new camera in Cape Town, so I'm a beginner. But these newfangled cameras are so simple to use, it's hard to be a bad photographer.
So freaking jealous!!
The pics are AWESOME!
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