I know that I don't treat you well and that sometimes, I forget all that you do for me. You work tirelessly to process everything that I throw at you and there isn't any overtime pay. I just want you to know that I appreciate it. I appreciate YOU. Lots and lots.
Tabbie. Like Cabbie, with a T.
P.S. I'm so sorry about this weekend. Beer, vodka, champagne, and wine aren't supposed to mix well. But you make it work! Again, thank you thank you thank you.
Shouting into the void
2 days ago
Wine mixes with everything, baby.
Sounds like you turned your tummy into a rocket fuel bucket.
Good work, you.
My liver is awesome. I should send it a card or something.
Dear Tabbie, Like Cabbie with a T,
I appreciate the love you've just shown me. I really do but if you ever drink like you did this weekend EVER again, you will wake up and find yourself quite jaundiced.
Your Liver
Livers are good people or organs.
You should totally treat your liver to a night out. Maybe get it some champagne to say thank you.
Apparently you feel for your liver like Weird Al feels for his Pancreas.
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