I was supposed to move to northern California on February 28th. My stuff is all stored nicely in the garage of the home I've shared with great friends for a year in southern California. My bags were packed and I was ready to go.
I'm a consultant and my contract was up on the Friday the 26th of last month. Done and done and ready for something new. But. On Thursday the 25th, I was asked to stay. More like I was told I couldn't leave. And I told my supervisor I'd only stay for a bunch more money. And then she said they'd pay me what I asked for. So I'm still here.
Homeless, kind of. I moved to the guest room in our house and I'm living out of suitcases and it's a great test of my ability to deal with change. All this nonsense. I guess it could be worse. I could be stuck outside in a Kansas corn field during tornado season.
It's funny, the choices I make for myself. Like, I guess I really did want to stay in SoCal if I made the choice. But really, that wasn't what I had counted on for sure. I was supposed to be lazing about the Bay Area right now. Not waiting on yet another (one last) email to come through for the day so I can finish up and drive 2 hours back home.
Kansas. Tornadoes. Okay. It's not that bad. I'm okay. This is great. I'm happy to be able to spend a little more time with my friends and family here before I eventually trek north for good. I’m happy to have a job that I’m good at and that pays well. I’m happy that I have never been swept away by a tornado.
Shouting into the void
2 days ago
If you are living your life authentically, you don't have to make any apologies for doing it your way.
I was just in SoCal and the ocean and weather were beautiful:) so no, no tornados! But when we have our mind set on a thing, it can be a difficult adjustment when it doesn't go that way. Sounds though, like things are good. Even better than before with extra cash and more time with friends. Great!
What a bummer.... but enjoy SoCal while you can :)
Things could be worse. Be thankful that people want you to work for them.
oh, yes things could be much worse!
I like the way you think.
ps - As a lifelong Bay Area person, I declare that you will have much more fun in Norcal. :)
Sorry to hear about the moving complications :(
Im loving your blog though!
Check out mine, I think you'd enjoy it as well:
Facebook: Madison BoyfriendShopper
Email: theboyfriendshopper@live.com
It takes you 2 hours to drive home? That's crazy. It takes me 15 minutes in traffic!
You are very fortunate and I think you realize that.
"I'm happy to be able to spend a little more time with my friends and family here before I eventually trek north for good. I’m happy to have a job that I’m good at and that pays well. I’m happy that I have never been swept away by a tornado."
Isn't that all that matters, in the end?
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