I'm in the middle of night-before-moving preparation. Our movers are getting here at 7am. What the fuck is that about? Most mornings, I'm stumbling into the shower to wake up at 7am. Tomorrow morning, I've got to be up and alert and totally organized at that hour.
Fucking early ass stupid hour. 7am!
In order to properly prepare for this venture, I've been working diligently on polishing off a bottle a my favorite wine. It's a delicious red- carmenere. It has turned my mouth purple and my mind mushy. Bueno.
Right now, I'm taking a break, laying on my bed fully clothed- I even have my shoes on. My roommate is a slave driver- everything has to be perfect for the movers. Pshhh. She needs some of this wine for sure. Maybe she'd forget how important organization is then. That would be great.
Must go fill my wine glass and label more boxes now before the roomie catches me blogging on the job.
Shouting into the void
2 days ago
Wine always helps the moving.
I thought you packed everything up during your little moving party.. no?
Does't the roomie read the blog?
Uh, yes, she does read the blog!
And listen, if we hadn't labeled everything, it would have taken the movers twice as long which would have cost us twice as much.
New favorite wine: Artazuri's Navarro Garnacha. Spicey and delicious. Had two bottles on Saturday. Love.
Because this: "Right now, I'm taking a break, laying on my bed fully clothed- I even have my shoes on. My roommate is a slave driver- everything has to be perfect for the movers. Pshhh. She needs some of this wine for sure. Maybe she'd forget how important organization is then. That would be great."
...is genius.
9er, it helps to make me feel better about moving for sure.
scotty, we actually got wasted and danced instead.
tc, she does. and it's her choice to read about me bitching about her or pass over the post.
gb, dude. I know. It's just that you were barking orders and you know I hate doing what you say. It should be the other way around! I bark orders better anyway.
Rassles, I've never in my life been able to drink 2 whole bottles of wine by myself. THAT IS A LIE! I totally have.
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