My roommate and I are getting ready to move to a new house on Saturday. We have had so many amazing gatherings at our current house that we felt like we couldn't leave without one last blowout all night party.
We decided that hosting a "bring you box and stuff it" party would be appropriate for our farewell. Lots of our loyal friends showed up with boxes for us and we made sure the drinks were flowing and the pizza was hot n ready. Like me.
Anywho, the day of the party, I started drinking at lunch time. My friend JP and I got a little trashed at lunch and at a local dive bar, searched for and finally found a liquor store selling Rumplemintz, and went back to my place for a nap.
After waking up in time to apply make-up, drunk dial my sister, and pick up the pizzas, JP and I started in on the Rumplemintz. Then people started showing up with liquor and bottles of champagne. Champagne is my party drink of choice, by the way. I must have drank (drunk?) a ton of the bubbly, because my memory got faded and I gave several lap dances and I guess there was a spanking contest, starring my ass. I do love the spankings and the dancing- just wish I could remember it more clearly.
I also pulled the drunk crying girl move more than once. I only recall doing it once, and then I went back to dancing and laughing and etc.
The coolest part of the party was where I got temporarily engaged to my ex boyfriend. He drew a ring on my finger and said it was like a promise ring until it washed off. Cheap bastard ;) So then we decided to be just boyfriend & girlfriend, which is super cool because we both know what we're getting into and we're okay with that.
The temporary fiancé and I weren't the only ones hooking up at the party. I won't name names, but I saw a couple of folks walking around in towels by the end of the night, on their way to a guest room. And I heard about some scandalous propositions given to my roomie & her boyfriend (soon to be my roomie too).
I can hardly contain my excitement for the next party- our housewarming. I don't think we've agreed on a theme yet, but it's got to rival the "bring your box" theme for sure.
Shouting into the void
2 days ago
I totally love the theme of your party...even though it wasn't what I imagined "stuffing boxes" was all about. :)
I do have to admit that was a great theme
WTF is Rumplemintz?
Your parties sound significantly more rowdy than mine. This makes me sad. I need to throw a rowdy party...and soon.
The amount of swingers at that party was staggering!!!!!!!!!! Awesome!
I'm glad the jacuzzi tub got put to good use by many groups - and I'm glad Bob Dob was there to clean it at the end of the night.
And the blogosphere wasn't invited 'cuz why?
We did have our favorite blogging buddy, JP, fly in for the event all the way from Virginia.
SO in total, there were 4 bloggers at the party this time.
Theme parties are great !! I had a new years eve gala one year, everyone had to wear an old prom dress, bridesmaid dress or wedding gown. Lots of laughs , I tell ya.
You girls know how to party and I love it! I wish I would have known about it. I would have loved to go. welcome back to blogger land girly girl!
Catherinette, every girl loves a good box stuffing party
Scotty, and to think you missed it for other obligations
Mindy, Rumplemintz is a delicious alcoholi. Treat. Tastes like mint.
GB, we attract an interesting crowd... Just think how much more awesome it would have been, had E or your ex had shown up.
TC, some of the blogger world was invited, but just those we've met in person already. However, that was not intentional. You are encouraged to come out for our housewarming in mid- march.
Philly, I definitely want to have a prom party eventually.
Carmen, I'll make sure you're invited to the housewarming. And we are coming back to your hood at the end of March!
Holy crap, welcome back!
thanks poo. ha. poo. holy crap. that's funny.
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